Our mission is to provide a superior Montessori program of study that will develop lifelong learners. Our children will be prepared academically, emotionally, and socially by creating a love of learning through meaningful and fulfilling educational experiences.

The Montessori Regional Charter School is committed to providing a safe, positive and high academic educational environment where students can achieve the highest potential.

Bullying/Cyber Bullying behaviors will not be tolerated by Montessori Regional Charter School. Incidents of bullying/Cyber bullying will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Acts of bullying/Cyber bullying will be reported to and investigated by the Principal/Assistant Principal. A full investigation and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken according to the school’s Positive Behavior Support Plan. 

According to the HB 1067 of the Pennsylvania Code of 1949,

‘Bullying” shall be defined as an intentional, electronic, verbal, written or physical act that is directed at another student or students in a school setting which is severe, persistent or pervasive. Bullying also means it has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education, creating a threatening environment or substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school and school setting.

“School setting” shall mean:

  •  in the school,
  •  on school grounds,
  •  in school vehicles,
  •  at a designated bus stop or at any activity sponsored,
  •  supervised or sanctioned by the school.

“Cyber-bullying” means bullying (as defined above) through the use of an electronic communication such as but not limited to instant messaging, e-mail, chat rooms, gaming sites, or social networking sites to harass, threaten or intimidate someone. Cyber-bullying shall also include the creation of web pages, videos, or blogs.

No student shall be subjected to harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyber-bullying within the school community. When bullying and/or cyber-bullying are alleged, the full cooperation and assistance of parents and families are expected.


I.  Board Policy was developed and adopted according to the guidelines and provisions of 22
PA Code 12.3. The policy was reviewed and approved for adoption on August 16, 2021. 

II. This policy is included in the Family Information Guide.

III. This policy is posted in the school building and on the school website, www.mrcserie.org.

IV. This policy will be reviewed with the faculty and staff at the first meeting of the school year.

V. Montessori Regional Charter School provides Character Education to each child during the academic school year. During these lessons, students talk about fairness, respect, responsibility, caring, trustworthiness and citizenship.  Discussions about rules, self-control, anger- management, bullying, and other related behavioral issues also occur during the school year. The Discipline referral process is discussed by the Principal/Assistant Principal with each child to develop a common vocabulary and understanding of expectations and consequences.

VI. Teachers and staff are to report acts of bullying/Cyber bullying to the Principal/Assistant Principal. 

VII. The Principal/Assistant Principal will investigate the action and discuss the incident with the Principal/Assistant Principal or designee. The Principal/Asssistant Principal or designee will determine appropriate disciplinary action according to the school’s Positive Behavior Support Plan.

Carpool Information 


  • Speed Limit is 5 miles per hour in the parking lot
  • For the safety of your child, if you are sending an alternative driver, please send a note with your child in the morning. If we are not notified in advance, the driver will have to park and come to the office to pick up your child.
  • Please be considerate of our neighbors driveways and yards!
  • Please be patient, considerate and safety conscious at all times.
  • The carpool attendant is not allowed to buckle your child into their seat. Please pull ahead to complete this task


Car Pool


Morning Drop-off ..... Gates open at 7:30am; Carpool begins at 8:00am
Afternoon Pick-up ... Gates open at 2:30pm; Carpool begins at 3:00pm

Please call the school at 833-7771 if you have any questions or concerns.

For a change of address please complete the Charter School Enrollment Notification Form and attach proof of residency. Instructions are below. Send the documents to:

            Montessori Regional Charter School
            Attention:  Enrollment
            2549 W. 8th Street
            Erie, PA  16505

Or you may scan and email the forms to:  enrollment@mrcserie.org

Whenever a student’s address changes, the Pennsylvania Department of Education and our Chartering School Districts require that a new enrollment form is on file showing  the correct, current address.  Verification (proof) of residency of the current address is also required.  Acceptable proof of residency is a copy of one of the following forms.  

  • Rental/Lease Statement that has been fully executed
  • Deed/Mortgage Statement

If you are not able to provide proof of residency, please call the school enrollment office at 
814-833-7771, ext. 102.

If you are only making a change for your phone number, the change of address form is not needed. 
Please call the office at 814-833-7771, ext. 102 to report the change in information or send an email to office@mrcserie.org.

Enrollment Notification Form

Winter Recess:

We would like to remind you that during the cold winter months the students will continue to go outside for recess if the temperature is above 28 degrees with the wind chill (“feels like”).  Remember to send warm coats, snow pants, boots, gloves and hats so they can enjoy the fresh air!  As long as students are wearing boots and gloves, they will be allowed on the playground.

**Please make sure all items are labeled with your child’s name!

Parent discretion: Parents may use their discretion in deciding whether to send their child to school. If parents do elect to keep their students out of school regarding weather, a written note must be provided the following day. This will be considered an excused absence, but will not count toward a student's 10 parent excused days.   


Weather Related or Emergency Closing Procedure:

Montessori Regional Charter School services the 14 surrounding districts, and we coordinate with transportation services from 9 of those districts.  On any given day, the weather can vary widely across those districts.  As the only public regional charter school in the area, MRCS must always make our own decision regarding weather related closings.


When there is a SNOW DAY CLOSING:

We will not automatically follow either the Erie School District or the Millcreek Township School District.School closings will be communicated through ParentSquare and on the following TV stations, listed as Montessori Regional Charter School. During inclement weather, please begin checking closings and delays after 5:15am.

  • Channel WICU 12
  • Channel WJET 24
  • Channel WSEE 35
  • Channel WQLN 54
  • Channel FOX 66


When there is a SNOW 2-HOUR DELAY:

  • We coordinate with other district transportation departments in this instance.
  • This means that buses, including MRCS students that live in the city of Erie – will pick up students 2 hours later than normal at their regular stops.
  • Our regular carpool hours will be 2 hours later:
    • 10:00 – 10:25am
    • Lunch, after school activities and after school care will remain on the regular schedule


When there is a COLD WEATHER 2-HOUR DELAY:

When the temperature (with wind chill) is less than -15 degrees, we will place the school on a 2-hour delay.

  • This means that buses, including MRCS students that live in the city of Erie – will pick up students 2 hours later than normal at their regular stops.
  • Our regular carpool hours will be 2 hours later:
    • 10:00 – 10:25am
    • Lunch, after school activities and after school care will remain on the regular schedule


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at office@mrcserie.org.

Flexible Instruction Days 

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has approved the use of Flexible Instruction Days for Montessori Regional Charter School through the 2025-2026 school year. The program allows for the use of (5) FIDs in each of the approved school years. The days will be used as an alternative approach to delivering instruction in the event that the customary manner of delivering instruction is not feasible, such as in the case of inclement weather or a building emergency. Not all inclement weather days will result in the use of a Flexible Instruction Day, these will be determined on a case-by-case basis. 

Procedure for the use of a Flexible Instruction Day


When the school will be utilizing a Flexible Instruction Day, families will be notified through the ParntSquare Portal. If you have not done so already, please be sure you are set up to receive emails and text messages from this application. 


When the possibility of a Flexible Instruction Day occurs, students will take either their Chromebook or assigned packet work home to complete. Students will be given their assignments in advance in a hard copy format, upper level (5th-8th) students may access their assignments through Google Classroom and/or hard copy when applicable. These items will be sent home the day prior to the possibility of inclement weather, when chromebooks and packets are sent home, it does not necessarily mean a Flexible Instruction Day will occur. Families will receive formal notification when an FID is going to occur through the ParentSquare system. If no formal notification is received, school will run on a normal schedule for the day.

Hard copy packets will be made available in the Front Office when a FID is implemented. A PDF of the assignments will also be sent home through the ParentSquare system. 

Depending on the grade level, students will access their assignments in the morning and complete them throughout the day. Students and families will have access to teachers through the use of the Google Classroom platform or through our family communication system, ParentSquare.


Student Responsibilities 

When the possibility of a Flexible Instruction Day occurs, students may take their Chromebooks or assigned packet work home to complete. Students may access their assignments through Google Classroom, or be given their assignments in advance in a hard copy format.

When applicable, students will complete their assignments through the use of Google Applications in the Google Classroom. When technology is available to students, synchronous and asynchronous lessons will occur following an outlined schedule during an FID. Students will complete activities and assignments and submit them to Google Classroom, as well as participate in discussion rooms. 

Students who do not have internet access will have the opportunity to complete the same assignments through the use of hard copy packets which will be made available to students on the day prior to an FID and on the FID day in the front office. Students will be required to participate in all lessons and/or complete all assigned packet work for the day.  


Student Attendance

Students will access their assignments in the morning and complete them throughout the day. Students and families will have access to teachers through the use of the Google Classroom platform or through our family communication system, ParentSquare. Assignments will be checked in and assessed on the day following a Flexible Instruction Day.

Assignments must be submitted immediately upon return to school from a FID in order to be counted for participation and attendance. Students that do not submit assignments as outlined and required for an FID will be either marked excused or unexcused accordingly. 

Although students will be considered absent if they are unable to attend a Flexible Instruction Day, they will still be given the opportunity to complete the assignments that were given and earn credit for those assignments.


First and foremost we want to inform you of the steps we have taken to secure our school over the past several years.

  • Each campus has a single point of entry for visitors and families that is locked and is only accessed by being ‘buzzed in” by an employee after being observed on the security camera. We have taken additional steps to ensure that all reception personnel do not allow anyone to breach the classroom hallways.
  • The reception area has a security door denying access to the classroom areas.
  • Each room in the building is equipped with a deadbolt on the door so that rooms can be locked from the inside.
  • There are a series of security cameras throughout (in and out) each building. Those security cameras are viewed continuously at each reception desk. We have the ability to view them on remote technology which can be provided to local authorities in an emergency situation.
  • Each classroom has a safe zone established for a lock down situation.
  • We have had a security specialist tour the buildings and have taken their recommendations on how to continue to strengthen safety procedures.
  • Our teachers have attended two trainings over the past two years in which we have simulated lock down situations.

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